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astragalus root Research has revealed this herb may have the ability to encourage healthy function of the heart, lungs, kidneys, and liver. It has also been shown to support normal cholesterol and blood pressure and encourage a healthy response to psychological stress. Because of its many qualities, astragalus root is frequently used to enhance therapies for various health issues.

What Is Astragalus Root?

Astragalus root comes from the astragalus, or Astragalus membranaceus, plant, which is native to China. There are more than 2,000 species of this plant. Also called Mongolian milkvetch and huáng qí, this hairy-stemmed plant grows year-round and is celebrated for the beneficial flavonoids – – plant-based molecules with antioxidant properties – – contained within its root. Astragalus root has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for centuries and has more recently become a popular herbal remedy and nutritional supplement.


What Are the Benefits of Astragalus Root?

A primary benefit of astragalus root is as an adaptogen – – a natural substance that works with a person’s body to regulate the effects of stress and fatigue. In this way, astragalus root can protect the body from emotional, physical, and mental stress. Additionally, studies have shown a positive effect on respiratory health, seasonal wellness, cardiovascular health, and more. It’s this herb’s impact on the immune system and its antioxidant qualities that enable it to support the health of so many organs and reduce the effects of aging.


The chromosomes that hold your DNA are bound by structures called telomeres. During cell division, telomeres shorten and signal a stop in cellular growth called cellular senescence, which can lead to aging and illness. T cells, which are part of the immune system, activate the enzyme telomerase. This enzyme fixes and extends the telomeres, helping the life of the cell. Extracts from astragalus root have been shown to activate telomerase activity in human T cells, resulting in healthier cell longevity and function.

Aside from activating the telomerase enzyme, astragalus slows the aging process by protecting mitochondria. By reducing or eliminating harmful free radicals from cells, damage may be reduced or reversed, slowing the aging process. Many anti-aging beauty creams are formulated with astragalus root.


Whether it's because of a poor diet, lack of sleep, environmental toxins, or even emotional or physical challenges, everyone experiences stress from time to time. Whenever you get "stressed-out," a systemic change happens in your body from the release of stress hormones. This change leads to a weaker immune system and an imbalance in your gut microflora. Astragalus root, being an adaptogen, can help the body normalize itself or “adapt” to different types of stress or physical changes. Studies show that astragalus root helps reduce the effects of stress by encouraging balanced levels of cortisol, the stress hormone.

Heart Health

Your heart is the motor that pumps nutrient-rich blood throughout your body to supply your organs and keep them in working condition. This vital organ can become unhealthy and develop issues when exposed to certain toxins or illnesses.

The rise in unhealthy diets and sedentary lifestyles in Western cultures has led to a greater incidence of heart conditions. Studies on cardiovascular health have increased as well, with growing attention on traditional Chinese medicine. Much of this research is focused on astragalus root and its benefits for heart health. Studies suggest that its cardioprotective nutrients, namely the flavonoids and polysaccharides, support artery health and the immune system. Clinical trials showed a marked difference in patients with heart conditions when specific servings of astragalus root extract were given.

Blood Vessel Health

Damaged arteries are often the result of high blood pressure. A buildup of plaque that contains fat, cholesterol, and calcium can severely affect cardiovascular health. Over time, plaque can cause calcification, which hardens the arteries and makes it difficult for blood to flow properly. The buildup of plaque also narrows the arteries and eventually causes the blockage that leads to serious health issues. The soothing qualities of astragalus root help break down arterial plaque and encourage balanced cholesterol levels.

Blood Glucose Health

Glucose is the sugar in your blood that is responsible for distributing energy to the cells in your body. Your pancreas makes insulin, a hormone that helps glucose enter cells. Sometimes, certain cells in your body resist the effects of insulin, a condition called “insulin resistance.” As a result, the pancreas produces more insulin until, eventually, it has a hard time producing more of this important hormone. With little to no insulin being made, your glucose is unable to enter cells and starts to accumulate in your body. This process can lead to health issues such as type 2 diabetes. Preliminary research suggests that astragalus root encourages normal blood sugar levels and positive results have been observed in studies on astragalus’ effect on insulin regulation.

Kidney Health

Your kidneys are part of your immune system. They filter excess water and waste from the blood to be expelled in urine. Your kidneys also keep your body’s minerals and salts in balance and produce hormones that make red blood cells. Health issues such as diabetes and high blood pressure can damage the kidneys. Performing a natural kidney cleanse is a great way to support normal kidney health. Some research shows that astragalus root extract may help increase the iron-rich protein, hemoglobin, in red blood cells and decrease proteinuria – – a harmful amount of protein in the urine. More research is needed, but studies do suggest that astragalus root provides nutrients that support normal kidney function.

Liver Health

Like the kidneys, your liver is part of your immune system. It detoxifies the blood and contains cells that can digest cellular debris and old, worn-out blood cells.[17] When the liver accumulates toxins or becomes damaged, it affects your immune system and makes it difficult for your body to perform its most basic detoxification functions. A liver cleanse is a good approach to supporting normal liver health. Astragalus root can be a helpful supplement during a cleanse because its natural, immune-boosting qualities may help detox and protect the liver.

Cell Cycle Health

The cells in your body are constantly growing and dividing. Sometimes the regulation of cells is disturbed, and the cell’s normal growth and behavior stop. Studies performed using extracts of astragalus root have revealed an increase in the cells lining the walls of your arteries, known as endothelial cells. Researchers continue to study how astragalus root may support healthy cell cycles for overall wellness.

How Is Astragalus Root Consumed?

Astragalus root is most commonly available in capsule and tablet form, or as a liquid extract. Astragalus tea, made by steeping the shavings of the root in hot water, is another popular way to get this herb into the body. Sometimes, in clinical settings when severe health conditions are present, astragalus root may even be injected.[1] Additionally, astragalus root is a common ingredient in anti-aging lotions, creams, and ointments. Its natural soothing properties make it a useful alternative to harsh topical ointments.

Safety & Side Effects

By itself, clinical trials have not shown any evidence of toxicity related to astragalus root extracts. Observed side effects are minimal and may include diarrhea and other gastrointestinal issues. As with all herbs, care should be exercised before mixing astragalus root with other herbal supplements or medications, especially those that lower the immune system. Very little is known about the effects of astragalus root during pregnancy and it's always critical to ask your healthcare provider before taking any supplement while pregnant.

Is Astragalus Root Right for You?

If you like the health benefits associated with astragalus root and want to support your immune system and overall vitality, then it may be right for you. Ask your healthcare professional and work with them to determine a serving size and method that’s right for you.

If you’re looking for a supplement that contains astragalus root, consider Cell Fuzion™. Cell Fuzion is an advanced antioxidant formula designed to protect and energize mitochondrial function, sustain healthy cell cycles, and guard against DNA damage. It may also help regenerate the body's natural intracellular antioxidants.

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